Wednesday 2 January 2008

Arcade Fire live with Springsteen

Here's a clip of Win Butler and Regine Chassagne, husband and wife co-leaders of The Arcade Fire, playing with Springsteen and the E Street in October. But playing an Arcade Fire song! Though this is bootleg quality, it's a great rock 'n' roll moment. And in black and white. Seriously, the Arcade Fire is one band I still see making music, in some form, in 30 years. Get "Neon Bible," which is their second, 2007 album. Or download "Keep the Car Running" from iTunes or wherever you get downloads.

The performance is epic, wide-screen rock that Springsteen himself actually doesn't write much anymore. Singer Win Butler is lifted by the E Street on his own song, Springsteen leading his veteran unit into the best of new rock. Bruce takes the second verse.

The first 15 seconds alone are worth watching, if only to hear the response of the man and woman with the camera (fans of both bands), as they realize that the combined forces onstage are about to play "Keep the Car Running." Love those moments, don't we?

And check out the prior few clips - Radiohead and a clip from the musical film "Once." Both HIGHLY recommended. I'm gonna try hard to give you nothing but GREAT stuff.

And yeah, I'll add more links. But for now, these are a start. I just gotta get this stuff flowing out. It's a new year.

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