Tuesday 29 July 2008

Down memory lane: CSNY in 1969

OK, I've been totally lax about posting here - but not for lack of interesting things to post. Just...inertia, or more likely, intimidation, because there's no real focus here. I just meander, and that doesn't feel right. But that's what blogs ARE, right? Just what pops up.

So, here are a couple of things I happened into of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, who were, after all, the successors to The Beatles as that group folded. I remember so well that amazing time. Here are a few clips.

Here the are from the Big Sur film, where they do the rarely seen "Sea of Madness," a great duet between Young and Nash. And then there's Stills, ever-belligerent, confronting some freaked-out freak in the crowd. And finishing with "4+20," a great song.

And here they are on David Steinberg's show in 1969, which I remember seeing when I was 13 years old. And being blown away.

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